Student & Early Career Resources

Early Career Dentists
Dentists who graduated from dental school less than 10 years ago are considered new dentists. The SFDS promotes and supports new dentists and dental students. The SFDS membership committee serves as a peer resource for integration of new dentists into our community and into organized dentistry.
To help early career dentists, the SFDS hosts periodic educational seminars, focusing on programs that respond to the concerns/issues of the newer dentist. Prior programs have included:
- Retire On Your Terms: Planning For Your Tomorrow Now
- HIPAA Compliance for the New Dentist
- Communicating Your Quality of Care
- San Francisco’s Sick Leave Ordinance: What Is Your Role in Compliance?
- Getting Patients in the Door and Retaining Them Once You Have Them
- Practicing Dentistry in San Francisco: you CAN do it!
- Your Finances: Getting a Grip on the Basics
- Management by Numbers
- Communicating With Your Team and With Your Patients: Leadership Habits—Are You Ready to be the Boss?
The SFDS also recognizes an outstanding graduating dental student at each dental school’s Annual Recognition event often attended by the SFDS President and Executive Director.
Newer dentists should also make special note of CDA’s endorsed products and services, as well as TDIC/TDICIS insurance products & TDSC for dental supplies. If you have any problems using any of the endorsed companies, you have a personal advocate through the SFDS.
The ADA also has new dentist resources available to our members. For more information, visit the ADA Center for Professional Success and the ADA New Dentist Blog.