
Thank you for visiting the San Francisco Dental Society, proudly supporting local dental professionals for over 150 years.

The San Francisco Dental Society (SFDS),

the local dental society serving dental professionals in partnership with the American Dental Association(ADA) & California Dental Association(CDA) in the City & County of San Francisco.

Infection Control and OSHA Course

Thursday, April 10, 2025, 6 – 9:15 PM, Live Virtual Webinar 3 CEU

California Dental Practice Act and Ethics Course

Thursday, April 17, 2025, 6 – 8:15 PM, Live Virtual Webinar 2 CEU

Welcome to the San Francisco Dental Society (SFDS)!

We are proud to be the local dental society partnering with the American Dental Association (ADA) and California Dental Association (CDA). We are here to support dental professionals throughout their careers, improve the oral health of our community, and provide our members with a strong sense of community through the many programs and services that we offer.

Photo of San Francisco
Group photo from SFDS Advocacy event

SFDS is working on your behalf to make sure the voice of San Francisco dentists is heard and, through the SFDSPAC, supports candidates who understand the challenges of operating small businesses in San Francisco.

Be Involved
Volunteer Leadership Opportunities
Group photo of SFDS Volunteers

Serving on the SFDS board of directors, as a delegate, and/or on an SFDS committee is one of the many ways you can give back to your association and help shape the future of our Society and our profession.

Get Involved
Serve Your Community
Group photo of SFDS Community Volunteers

The San Francisco Dental Society promotes dental health and education through numerous programs and community service efforts.

Get Involved Now!

Upcoming Events

CAL/OSHA Return To Work Requirement

Jul 5, 2023

CAL/OSHA return to work requirements for confirmed CV 19 cases and CDPH recommendations for symptomatic individuals:

  • Employer must demonstrate requirements were met
  • Regardless of vaccination status or previous infection, employee may return to work after:
    • Isolating for at least five days
    • No symptom or symptoms are resolved, and
    • At least 24 hours have passed since fever of 100.4 F or higher has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medications.
    • If symptoms, other than fever, are not improving, isolate until symptoms improve or until after day 10.
    • Employee shall wear a mask at all times if they return to work before a full 10 days have passed since the first positive COVID-19 test.

For more information about employee close contact exposure, visit CDA.org: When an Employee has a Close Contact Exposure to CV-19