Continuing Education & Events

Study Club: Bringing Non-Invasive Dentistry Back Home to SF

SFDS Study Club in 2025! The Study Club is an exciting opportunity for both the new and more seasoned practitioner to learn from colleagues and peers in a small, discussion and case-based format.

The Study Club meets six (6) times in 2025. Each meeting provides 2 hours of continuing education credits - 12 total hours of CE including two (2) hands-on workshops. Space is limited so make sure to take advantage of this amazing value!

February 12: Bringing Non-Invasive Dentistry Back Home to SF with Dr. Jeremy Horst Keeper

Dr. Horst Keeper will focus on wielding medicines to manage dental caries and periodontal disease, without needles or drills. This session will cover: 
- How to arrest and restore a cavity without a drill.
- How to teach your patients the dynamics of dental caries.
- The 3 most effective caries prevention materials.

Registration: Click here

Dates & Topics:
February 12: Bringing Non-Invasive Dentistry Back Home to SF with Dr. Jeremy Horst Keeper
March 19: Internal/External Resorption with Dr. Ralan Wong
April 16: Cardiovascular Risk Assessment & Management
May 28: Red Flag Patient Management
June 25: HANDS ON - Bioclear
July 23: HANDS ON - Medical Emergencies for Dental Practices

Time: 6:00 -  6:15 Food and Beverage; 6:15 - 8:15 PM Meeting 

Capacity: Registration is limited to 20 participants (18 for hands on courses)

Fees:  Study Club Season Package - Members: $240  (savings of $90, includes all six Study Club meetings, 12 hours of continuing education credits, TWO hands on courses, plus light food and beverages - no refunds).
Individual Study Club - Members: $55
Study Club Season Package - Non members: $360 
Individual Study Club - Non Members: $75

Location: IN PERSON at San Francisco Dental Society, Frank A. Brucia Room, 2143 Lombard St. (with the option to switch to virtual if necessary). 

San Francisco Dental Society Office
2143 Lombard Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
Public parking is available at Lombard Street Parking Garage, 2055 Lombard St. Entrance is on Moulton St (between Lombard St and Greenwich St).
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