ADA advocacy

America’s leading oral health advocate — fighting for what matters to you and your patients.

U.S. Capitol Building, Washington D.C.
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Current ADA policies

View the major policies adopted by the ADA House of Delegates.

2024 Legislative and Regulatory Accomplishments

Efforts to educate lawmakers are highlighted in 2024’s yearly review of the ADA’s lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill, with the Administration, and in the state legislatures around the country. The ADA is proud to introduce or advocate for over 150 bills or regulations during the second session of the 118th Congress. Some notable accomplishments in 2024 include efforts to expand the oral health care workforce, enhance access to care for underserved populations including veterans, and improve the dental insurance landscape.

  • Featured issues
Recruiting and retaining a robust dental workforce. New licensure compact information.
Making dental insurance work better for dentists and their patients. 
Tackling the alarming levels of educational debt faced at graduation.
Overcoming the financial and administrative barriers to dental care.
Shaping the regulatory environment that affects the practice of dentistry.
Preventing oral disease through education and community-based interventions.
Legislative Action Center

Take action on critical legislation affecting oral health and dental care.

An infographic that reads, "Dentists can spot early warning signs in the mouth that may indicate disease elsewhere in the body. Support dentistry and oral health."
Man on laptop sitting outside on steps
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Visit the ADA House

Visit or host your private event at the historic ADA House on Capitol Hill.

ADA DC House